Building industry is developing rapidly. The domestic market is constantly updated with new technologies and materials that are effectively used in the industry. This was particularly evident there in the market of PVC construction. The number of companies offering new windows, is constantly growing. But it is obvious that not all of the products of proper quality. Russian and international construction standards are designed to look into this matter.
The popularity of plastic windows is quite natural. After all, for many characteristics (high strength, viscosity, electrical charge, incombustibility, frost, etc.) they are significantly superior to all existing materials. Therefore, it seems logical rapid increase in the proportion of PVC structures observed in recent years in the domestic construction. Their demand is related not only with exceptional thermal and mechanical properties, but is economically feasible. If before buying plastic windows were available only to a select, but now their price is calculated on the mass consumer.
Due to high rates of sound-insulation and PVC construction atmosphere in the room, where they are installed, must be different optimal comfort. But, unfortunately, is not always the case. Much depends on the quality of performance of both the window and the installation works for its installation. And here come to the aid of Russian and international construction standards, designed to give an objective assessment of the quality of the finished product. The windows of Europe
New plastic structures appeared in Europe. Certainly, the experience of foreign manufacturers on the technology of manufacturing and certification of windows, high demand in our country.
Today, there are three international organizations involved in the elaboration of building regulations. This ISO (International Organization for Standardization) - The International Organization for Standardization, DIN (Deutsches Institut f? R Normung) - German Institute for Standardization and the RAL (Reichsausschuss fuer Lieferbedingungen) - The State Committee for deliveries.
One of the most respected standards in relation to the PVC window profiles, operating in Europe, is a standard RAL-GZ 716 / 1. It details the requirements for physical and mechanical properties of the material, as well as detailed information about the technique of making all the necessary test events to determine its quality.
Thus, the strength, one of the most important characteristics of PVC-profile is determined mainly by the value of impact strength. In many countries it is found from the method of Charpy (DIN 53453, ISO 179-61), when investigated on the model established in the pendulum, strike hammer. The value of impact strength is determined by the ratio of work expended on the impact of cross-sectional area at the site of a cut sample. Also available tests on the shock fracture by the method of Dinstata, which involves finding the value of work under the influence of a hammer on a plate size of 10x15 mm and thickness from 1,5 to 4,5 mm.
No less important characteristic is the durability of PVC profiles. In countries such as Austria and Germany, the test for resistance to aging rather rigid and conducted according to DIN 53387: at a temperature of 45 ° C sample for a long time (45000 hours) is in a zone of intense radiation (1kVt/m2). Along with the process, a change in paint color samples according to DIN 54001.
The index is determined by the thermal resistance of the strain is continuously heated sample under the action of the load. Mostly dry heat found by the method of Wick (ISO 306-68, DIN 53460), which consists in determining the temperature at which plastic starts to soften. The test consists in entering identora (special needle) in the sample surface to a depth of 1 mm at a given load and the rate of temperature change (in standard describes two methods, different size loads - 10H and 50H). Some regulations define the thermal resistance by the method of Martens (DIN 53458).
Hardness (resistance to the introduction of foreign bodies) plastics in many European countries is estimated HB (DIN 53456). As the load and the diameter of punch-ball is the depth of its introduction into the surface of the material. By varying the load, determine the maximum and minimum possible depth of penetration. But the ISO standard are connected, this method and the method of using balls of different diameters, resulting in a formula calculating the hardness is not dependent on the load. In trials that do not require high precision measurements (so-called rapid-test), hardness is determined by the shore, using a special blunt needle. At a depth of penetration of the needle under the load transmitted to the standard spring on a conditional scale there is a measure of hardness.
Thus, the performance of window systems, is certified as an international institute of standardization, are beyond doubt. However, the window, built to European citizens, not always suitable for the Russian climate. Our product
According to experts PROPLEKS Group, the largest Russian producer of PVC profiles for Austrian technologies, rather mild climate in a country such as Germany, significantly different from the harsh climatic conditions in most regions of our country. The dominant part of our territory is under the influence of severe environmental factors (extreme temperatures, prolonged rainfall, etc.). Consequently, construction materials and technology, effectively used overseas, do not always work for us. Thus, the best solution, according to experts, it is adaptation of European standards to the Russian climatic conditions.
In our country the basic requirements for translucent structures, governed by the guests. They are the basic documents, a guide for manufacturers of quality window systems. In SNIP specified requirements to use ready-made window designs depending on the type of building, and so they have focused directly on the builder and designer. We can distinguish the following main window GUESTS:
* GOST 30673-99 PVC profiles for windows and doors;
* GOST 30674-99 Window blocks from PVC profiles;
* GOST 30971-02 seams assembly of joints of windows to wall openings. General Specifications;
* GOST 26602.1-99 Power windows and door. Methods of heat transfer resistance;
* GOST 26602.2-99 Power windows and door. Methods for determination of air and water permeability;
* GOST 26602.3-99 Power windows and door. Methods for determination of sound insulation;
* GOST 26602.4-99 Power windows and door. The method of determining the total light transmittance.
In 2001 he was admitted to GOST 30673-99. It describes the required set of tests that must pass profile of PVC after manufacturing. The tests determined the mass of 1 m profile, penetration resistance at different temperatures, heat resistance, impact resistance, etc. In addition, this document gives the values of basic physical-mechanical and geometrical parameters, which should correspond profile. For example, for any profile of the softening temperature by the method of Wick is not less than 75 ° C, impact toughness of Charpy method - at least 15 kJ/m2, thermal stability must be maintained 30 min. at 150 ° C, tensile strength - not lower than 37 MPa, etc. Profiles themselves are divided into three classes, depending on the facial nelitsevyh and external walls. For example, for Class A thickness nelitsevoy wall shall be 2,5 mm and the thickness of the front wall - 3 mm.
In 2001 also came into force GOST 30674 - 99. In this standard are requirements for window and balcony door blocks of PVC-profiles single-Fiberglass construction. Given the basic physical and technical characteristics (resistance to heat transmission coefficient of light transmission, air permeability, durability, etc.) of windows with three-chamber profiles boxes and valves.
As the technology improved domestic regulatory framework continued. Modern technology
As already mentioned, in Russia a window on the basis of PVC profiles are widely used relatively recently, whereas in the West, the technology is developing quite a long time. According to Siegfried Polich, founder and co-owner of the company Technoplast, supplying the domestic market of extrusion lines and tools, "in Western Europe, the industry started to develop 25-30 years ago. Then the profiles of the windows were double chamber, sometimes even mono. And now for energy conservation - the four-, five-, and in some cases and vosmikamernye. Currently there replacing the first plastic windows, which have put in 70-ies. "
In connection with such a "rich" history of translucent structures in the development of domestic state standards for PVC windows could not be considered a successful international experience in this field. Large manufacturers of PVC profile today use knowledge of foreign colleagues. As a result, the products meet the needs of Russian consumers. For example, windows made of PVC-profile PROPLEX, in addition to the necessary state certification, fully meet international requirements, established standards RAL GZ 716 / 1, DIN 53453 and 53457, and ISO 306. According to the Testing Laboratory of plastics and polymers NIIPM, physical values of this material is fully consistent with the above regulations. For example (in parentheses refer to the normative values of similar parameters, the relevant international quality standards):
* Tensile strength = 38.5 MPa (36.3 MPa);
* Charpy test = 29 kJ/m2 (10 kJ/m2);
* Vicat softening temperature = 90oS (75 C).
So far the quality of PVC window constructions effectively evaluated only by means of established building codes. This is the Russian State Standards, as well as a large set of international quality standards. Production companies with relevant certificates, held numerous laboratory tests. Their results are not without foundation convince potential customers in the high performance characteristics of the proposed window systems.
The popularity of plastic windows is quite natural. After all, for many characteristics (high strength, viscosity, electrical charge, incombustibility, frost, etc.) they are significantly superior to all existing materials. Therefore, it seems logical rapid increase in the proportion of PVC structures observed in recent years in the domestic construction. Their demand is related not only with exceptional thermal and mechanical properties, but is economically feasible. If before buying plastic windows were available only to a select, but now their price is calculated on the mass consumer.
Due to high rates of sound-insulation and PVC construction atmosphere in the room, where they are installed, must be different optimal comfort. But, unfortunately, is not always the case. Much depends on the quality of performance of both the window and the installation works for its installation. And here come to the aid of Russian and international construction standards, designed to give an objective assessment of the quality of the finished product. The windows of Europe
New plastic structures appeared in Europe. Certainly, the experience of foreign manufacturers on the technology of manufacturing and certification of windows, high demand in our country.
Today, there are three international organizations involved in the elaboration of building regulations. This ISO (International Organization for Standardization) - The International Organization for Standardization, DIN (Deutsches Institut f? R Normung) - German Institute for Standardization and the RAL (Reichsausschuss fuer Lieferbedingungen) - The State Committee for deliveries.
One of the most respected standards in relation to the PVC window profiles, operating in Europe, is a standard RAL-GZ 716 / 1. It details the requirements for physical and mechanical properties of the material, as well as detailed information about the technique of making all the necessary test events to determine its quality.
Thus, the strength, one of the most important characteristics of PVC-profile is determined mainly by the value of impact strength. In many countries it is found from the method of Charpy (DIN 53453, ISO 179-61), when investigated on the model established in the pendulum, strike hammer. The value of impact strength is determined by the ratio of work expended on the impact of cross-sectional area at the site of a cut sample. Also available tests on the shock fracture by the method of Dinstata, which involves finding the value of work under the influence of a hammer on a plate size of 10x15 mm and thickness from 1,5 to 4,5 mm.
No less important characteristic is the durability of PVC profiles. In countries such as Austria and Germany, the test for resistance to aging rather rigid and conducted according to DIN 53387: at a temperature of 45 ° C sample for a long time (45000 hours) is in a zone of intense radiation (1kVt/m2). Along with the process, a change in paint color samples according to DIN 54001.
The index is determined by the thermal resistance of the strain is continuously heated sample under the action of the load. Mostly dry heat found by the method of Wick (ISO 306-68, DIN 53460), which consists in determining the temperature at which plastic starts to soften. The test consists in entering identora (special needle) in the sample surface to a depth of 1 mm at a given load and the rate of temperature change (in standard describes two methods, different size loads - 10H and 50H). Some regulations define the thermal resistance by the method of Martens (DIN 53458).
Hardness (resistance to the introduction of foreign bodies) plastics in many European countries is estimated HB (DIN 53456). As the load and the diameter of punch-ball is the depth of its introduction into the surface of the material. By varying the load, determine the maximum and minimum possible depth of penetration. But the ISO standard are connected, this method and the method of using balls of different diameters, resulting in a formula calculating the hardness is not dependent on the load. In trials that do not require high precision measurements (so-called rapid-test), hardness is determined by the shore, using a special blunt needle. At a depth of penetration of the needle under the load transmitted to the standard spring on a conditional scale there is a measure of hardness.
Thus, the performance of window systems, is certified as an international institute of standardization, are beyond doubt. However, the window, built to European citizens, not always suitable for the Russian climate. Our product
According to experts PROPLEKS Group, the largest Russian producer of PVC profiles for Austrian technologies, rather mild climate in a country such as Germany, significantly different from the harsh climatic conditions in most regions of our country. The dominant part of our territory is under the influence of severe environmental factors (extreme temperatures, prolonged rainfall, etc.). Consequently, construction materials and technology, effectively used overseas, do not always work for us. Thus, the best solution, according to experts, it is adaptation of European standards to the Russian climatic conditions.
In our country the basic requirements for translucent structures, governed by the guests. They are the basic documents, a guide for manufacturers of quality window systems. In SNIP specified requirements to use ready-made window designs depending on the type of building, and so they have focused directly on the builder and designer. We can distinguish the following main window GUESTS:
* GOST 30673-99 PVC profiles for windows and doors;
* GOST 30674-99 Window blocks from PVC profiles;
* GOST 30971-02 seams assembly of joints of windows to wall openings. General Specifications;
* GOST 26602.1-99 Power windows and door. Methods of heat transfer resistance;
* GOST 26602.2-99 Power windows and door. Methods for determination of air and water permeability;
* GOST 26602.3-99 Power windows and door. Methods for determination of sound insulation;
* GOST 26602.4-99 Power windows and door. The method of determining the total light transmittance.
In 2001 he was admitted to GOST 30673-99. It describes the required set of tests that must pass profile of PVC after manufacturing. The tests determined the mass of 1 m profile, penetration resistance at different temperatures, heat resistance, impact resistance, etc. In addition, this document gives the values of basic physical-mechanical and geometrical parameters, which should correspond profile. For example, for any profile of the softening temperature by the method of Wick is not less than 75 ° C, impact toughness of Charpy method - at least 15 kJ/m2, thermal stability must be maintained 30 min. at 150 ° C, tensile strength - not lower than 37 MPa, etc. Profiles themselves are divided into three classes, depending on the facial nelitsevyh and external walls. For example, for Class A thickness nelitsevoy wall shall be 2,5 mm and the thickness of the front wall - 3 mm.
In 2001 also came into force GOST 30674 - 99. In this standard are requirements for window and balcony door blocks of PVC-profiles single-Fiberglass construction. Given the basic physical and technical characteristics (resistance to heat transmission coefficient of light transmission, air permeability, durability, etc.) of windows with three-chamber profiles boxes and valves.
As the technology improved domestic regulatory framework continued. Modern technology
As already mentioned, in Russia a window on the basis of PVC profiles are widely used relatively recently, whereas in the West, the technology is developing quite a long time. According to Siegfried Polich, founder and co-owner of the company Technoplast, supplying the domestic market of extrusion lines and tools, "in Western Europe, the industry started to develop 25-30 years ago. Then the profiles of the windows were double chamber, sometimes even mono. And now for energy conservation - the four-, five-, and in some cases and vosmikamernye. Currently there replacing the first plastic windows, which have put in 70-ies. "
In connection with such a "rich" history of translucent structures in the development of domestic state standards for PVC windows could not be considered a successful international experience in this field. Large manufacturers of PVC profile today use knowledge of foreign colleagues. As a result, the products meet the needs of Russian consumers. For example, windows made of PVC-profile PROPLEX, in addition to the necessary state certification, fully meet international requirements, established standards RAL GZ 716 / 1, DIN 53453 and 53457, and ISO 306. According to the Testing Laboratory of plastics and polymers NIIPM, physical values of this material is fully consistent with the above regulations. For example (in parentheses refer to the normative values of similar parameters, the relevant international quality standards):
* Tensile strength = 38.5 MPa (36.3 MPa);
* Charpy test = 29 kJ/m2 (10 kJ/m2);
* Vicat softening temperature = 90oS (75 C).
So far the quality of PVC window constructions effectively evaluated only by means of established building codes. This is the Russian State Standards, as well as a large set of international quality standards. Production companies with relevant certificates, held numerous laboratory tests. Their results are not without foundation convince potential customers in the high performance characteristics of the proposed window systems.
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