Monday, August 23, 2010

How to care for wooden windows

We do not make a mistake if we assume that the majority of our fellow citizens care for the window firmly associated with two actions: wash the frames and glass in spring and autumn, as well as painting with an average frequency of once every two to three years. It is time to change your ideas about caring for a modern window.

Wood - it's more than a first-class building materials. It has excellent qualities, creates unparalleled atmosphere of comfort and improves the climate of any room. Wooden windows need, at least occasionally, to pay attention, because they are a year are exposed to wind, rain and other weather phenomena.

Under the care refers not only to repair and painting, and maintenance in good repair windows devices, locking mechanisms and systems of seals. Depending on the surrounding influences, such preventive measures required to carry out at intervals of one to five years. Windows facing the south need more frequent care than those that "look" in other directions. They must inspect each year. It is especially important to check the status of the lower bar of the window frame and binding. We advise to carry out maintenance work windows facing north, west and east of once every 3-5 years.
Maintenance works include:

    * Lubrication of all moving parts of window fittings
    * Check sealing gasket for their injuries (if necessary and they should be replaced), 1-2 times a year seal must handle means on the basis of vaseline, which retain their flexibility
    * Update, if necessary, the surface of wooden boxes with paints, varnishes, etc.
    * Cleaning wooden window should not be carried cleansers containing acid or corrosive chemicals or abrasives. It is unacceptable to handle window nitrodopes, organic solvents and paint thinners
    * Do not expose fixture to sand, mud and mortar

In most cases, preventive maintenance are not labor intensive, however, they avoid subsequent costly repairs and replacement windows.

Keep in a form that sealing profiles between the bindings and window frames and insulating glass sealants are not painted. After contact with the colors it should be immediately removed, because seals can lose their elasticity. Fittings, except for window hinges not painted.

Wooden windows, as construction elements with strictly observed dimensions, in particular require timely monitoring and immediate elimination of even isolated and small damage coverage. Resistant coating depends on many factors. Crucial requirements for the appropriate finishing systems described in the memo "Systems of finishing wooden windows" issued by the Institute of window technology in the city of Rosenheim.

If you have a condensation on the inner surface of the wooden box, this means that:

    * Exhaust ventilation is ineffective
    * Heating is not enough
    * Humidity increased.

The first and last points can easily be addressed through ventilation. Typically, condensation is associated only with the finishing.

When a window is properly designed, impeccably produced and handled with protective and decorative coatings, that under normal operating loads a window with a transparent finish coating needs to be updated every three years, while for opaque finish - every four years.

Take good care of the window properly, and it will reward you uptime and flawless look!

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