What is eurowinows?. In other words it is a modern window differs from the traditional wooden windows made of wood processing enterprises operating in Ukraine, the standards of the former USSR. Indeed, eurowinows in our country is called the window, made from high quality materials and components with the use of technological advances in recent years.
Comparing the current window with the old, difficult to name one or two major differences. Improved almost all the main characteristics of the windows. The main requirements for modern windows:
1. providing indoor comfort conditions of stay,
2. good thermal and sound insulation,
3. easy to use, durable and reliable operation.
No less important are the aesthetic characteristics of the windows. Current window should look happy and dignified manner to represent its owner. The most notable improvements include the replacement of the windows of ordinary glass in the windows and the ability to "tilt" sash for ventilation, which is why virtually disappeared windows. Typically, in today's windows are no double or triple bindings, it is inconvenient to use, the window is virtually maintenance free, does not need repainting and insulation "for the winter, is designed for the life of at least 30 years.
However, despite many improvements, the main components of modern windows still quite traditional:
* Glass (glass)
* Binding (frame, fold, etc.)
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